
EXPOSURE Exhibition
Produced by Helm Arts, and with support from Calmac and the Jura Passenger Ferry, EXPOSURE will be touring in Scotland in the Summer of 2021. NB Dates in Edinburgh have been extended

DUNOON Burgh Hall
17 June – 18 July
UIG, ISLE OF LEWIS, Hulabhaig at Baille na Cille
23 July – 5 August
EDINBURGH Scottish Storytelling Centre
11 September – 11 October [extended stay]
GLASGOW Civic House
14 October – 24 October


Andy Metcalf
Giles Perring
Kirsty Law (Helm Arts)

Cross-media art project from an island
EXPOSURE is an immersive, multi-discilplinary exhibition and installation made by film maker and painter Andy Metcalf and musician, sound artist and photographer Giles Perring. Produced by Helm Arts.

This work explores the brute nature of landscape, the vulnerability of human expression and the critical importance of sociality in shaping our creations. Birthed on the wild and beautiful Isle of Jura, Exposure harnesses video, painting, 35mm and medium format photography, text, sound installation and performance in order to depict the many facets of the uneasy experience of a human relationship with a harsh island environment – be that emotional, existential, ecological, or elemental.

This work brings together two perspectives - the familiar with the ‘outside eye’. The Isle of Jura, for Metcalf, is far-flung, whereas for Perring it is the centre of his world, his normality, his everyday. The dialogue sparked by these two creative responses begs questions around what defines our sense of ‘remote’.

This exhibit features the sounds of the World Organ - an outside sound sculpture created by Giles Perring, located on the Isle of Jura. It is built to listen to, respond to and shape the sound of the landscape that surrounds it. The result is a generative piece of music and which Giles has streamed live, 24/7, since he launched this project in August 2020.

Coming On Coming On by Andy Metcalf


Additional Associated Links
Website http://exposure.exchangeart.co.uk/
Virtual Tour http://www.z360.com/ifull/Exposure/index.html